

Lucky #7.

Show notes

We humbly bring to you 7/100 of the sorare odyssey, where we will once again go in-depth as we traverse the world of football whilst playing the world's most exciting fantasy football platform: sorare.

The tradgedies of gameweek #212 will be discussed, as will our excellent Jupiler Pro League Feature Match of Genk v Gent, before moving on to present another Player Spotlight from South Korea. Lastly, as always, we look to the coming gameweek: #214. Let's hope and pray.

Please rate, review, and feel free to get in touch on twitter @sorareodyssey or via email sorareodyssey@gmail.com.

If you'd prefer a phonecall at midnight, that can be arranged.

Player Spotlight: https://sorare.com/cards/gun-hee-kim-2021-rare-46

Intro Music: Mitch Murder - Assembly Line (https://mitchmurder.bandcamp.com/)

JOIN SORARE: sorare.com/r/etienne23

This podcast is hosted by ZenCast.fm


Sean Brown

Sean Brown

Mark Finlayson

Mark Finlayson


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